Mylette profile

Mylette profile

Mylette provides Consulting, Solutions and Services to the financial industry. The basis of Mylette, its management and senior consultants, lies in stock exchange trading and stock exchange transaction processing. This domain has slowly but surely expanded to a full spectrum of expertise, knowledge and skills in the field of banking, brokerage and investments.

Our main strength and drive is that we provide value and partnership based on knowledge and a proactive approach to change. Since our inception we have served approximately every substantial Dutch financial institution with consulting and interim staffing. Since the addition of Solutions and Services we offer a full range of services to our clients.


Mylette acquires Ajilon
Mylette acquires Ajilon

The Adecco Group Nederland transfers the business of Ajilon Finance, Financial Markets Solutions (FMS) branche to Mylette as of January 2019. The acquisition of the FMS-branche of Ajilon Finance is a logical expansion for Mylette en strengthens her capacities and consulting offering. We welcomed our new colleagues on January 1st 2019.

SBR Nexus partners with Mylette
SBR Nexus partners with Mylette

As of the 1st of January, SBR Nexus has selected Mylette for the sourcing of their flexworkers in order to optimize their hiring process.

SBR Nexus is an initiative of ABN AMRO, ING, and Rabobank and builds a network where entrepreneurs can exchange their financial information with multiple organization in a digital, easy, and safe manner at a press of a button.

Mylette works for: